Supported by


and Plashet School, St Angela's Ursuline School and Sarah Bonnell School.


Year Eight coming soon

Year Eight recruitment is taking place. Year Nine returned yesterday.

The next ESIP session is the Year Eight Induction on Saturday 24th November 2012. Students should arrive for 9.20am.

All Year 9 Parents are invited to the ESIP Welcome Breakfast to be hosted by Penny Goodman, Headmistress of Forest Girls' School and Dr Simon Davey, Programme Leader of ESIP. The breakfast will take place from 9.15am.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

Year Nine will be back at Forest on Saturday 8th December.


ESIP Forest in 2012/13

The new ESIP year will start in November. Provisional dates for 2012/13 are available here.

Year 9 will return for Crafty Listening Part 2 on Saturday 10th November 2012.

The new Year 8 group will begin their ESIP journey with Induction and 'Ways of Seeing' on Saturday 24th November 2012.

Year 8 and Year 9 will have Session Two on Saturday 8th December.

Confirmations of Year 9 places are being circulated by schools in early October whilst recruitment of Year 8 places will take place in late October and early November.


"What ESIP Has Done For Me" by Munsifa

“When we compare ESIP to other academics, it is different. It is not like a usual school day, but a day to discover and acknowledge something new.
Why is ESIP so unique and incomparable?
First of all, it is the subjects that have been chosen and taught. It is not about being given a certain work, and next you’ve been instructed to do it. No, instead they make you read between the lines, thinking even more about what has been given to you, asking yourself questions and much more. 
You understand that Art is not all about a simple drawing left on the wall as your masterpiece. It is being the one with the creativity and the extra imagination needed to come up with the idea.
In other words, it’s called thinking outside the box.
Here in ESIP, I find that these sessions are here to open our minds. To visualise the outcome of an issue and consider a solution for it. To take in account and to analyze many issues that we come across in our society, but yet are left to be rejected.
Another reason why I think ESIP is such a success is not only do they teach, but they try to make you have the courage to be independent. They started off by requiring us to socialise and to make new friends with confidence. 
I can be quite shy at times, but after a while I have grown to understand that it is good to socialise with different people. You may learn new things from your new friends, and having a wide range of friends is good for us as well. I’ve gain more confidence in speaking to other people and not to be so pessimistic about others and myself.
Finally, in summary, I would like to say that, people can sometimes have great potential but if their fear of communicating to others over powers them. They will not be noticed. Because of this, I would like to thank Simon, Davina, the mentors, and everyone who took part to help with this project for giving this opportunity in gaining confidence and being more open minded.“
Munsifa Ashraf Hussain

The Emerging Scholars Journey of 2011/12

The ten sessions of ESIP have been quite a journey for the Emerging Scholars. Find out more about what happened and what the students said in our Emerging Scholars Journey.

Download the Emerging Scholars Journey 2011/12


End of Year One

The first year of ESIP ended for students, mentors and parents on Saturday 7th July 2012 with the End of Year Showcase event. Please see Day in the Life for more details of the event.

It has been a great year and the leadership team would like to thank all those who participated in and supported the programme.

The current cohort of students will be applying for places to Year 9 and if successful will return in late November 2012 alongside a new group of Year 8s.

The programme will grow to 60 students and 12 mentors next year and we hope will be even better as we build on the success of Year One and continue to learn and grow.

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